About Me

Age: 28
Dx: Stage 4 Endo
AMH: 16 pmol/mL or 2.3 ng/L
FSH: 8
AFC: 8
- 1 lap to remove endo
- 2 IVFs (so far) resulting in 1 miscarriage at 6 weeks
 I was diagnosed with Stage IV Endometrosis during my prime child bearing years at the age of 26 in 2010. At the time of the diagnosis, two cysts were also discovered. They just happened to be pretty huge, 12 and 5cm. At my ultrasound, I laid down and the doctor commented, "Wow you look like you're 5 months pregnant!" Yup, great, I'll call them my cyst babies, Bertha and Norm. Bertha is the big nasty one of course... (I apologize to anyone named Bertha, I'm not poking fun at your name at all. It just felt well-suited that my bigger cyst should be named Bertha) From then, I went through a laparoscopy to remove both cysts and the Endo has also left us with endless fertility issues, not to mention unbearable pain. But who says I'm infertile? I'm just reproductively-challeged! And this is my long journey through needles and tests and after tests to hopefully finally arrive at that BFP!

   My purpose here, besides the occasional rant about my life with on-going fertility treatments and venting about how utterly unfair life is while giving the egoistic mothers at Wal-Mart the stink-eye, is to record questions I've encountered in my journey and answers(or no answer) that I was given. Hopefully people excessively googling things like "AMH and egg quality" or "zero fertilization" will find some of this info helpful. I know I'm a google addict! Feel free to contact me or leave a comment. I love hearing from people.

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