Thursday, 22 December 2011

A little pregnant?

Well, it's been ages since I've posted. Since I've last posted, I've had my egg retrieval, transfer, and the dreaded 2 week wait is finally over (or so I thought)...

My egg retrieval was on December 6 at 8:30 in the morning. I had to be at the clinic at 7:30 as they had to prep me for the retrieval. I had a shot of Fentanyl (it's a valium-like drug to relax me) and an IV started in my arm. They also gave me Versed through my IV for the pain. (Like it helped at all!!)

Unfortunately, my retrieval was SUPER painful. The embryologist was late and I guess my meds were wearing off. They gave me a second dose of meds but it was still very painful. I just kept thinking to myself that if I can't take this pain, what about child birth?

Anyway, they retrieved 10 eggs, which I though was good news. However, the nurse called the next morning and only 3 fertilized out of the 10. Then, after another day (or what seemed like a century) of anticipation, only 1 made it to a day 3 transfer. The one good embie was an 8-cell excellent grade embryo so I had a 35% chance of success according to the doctor. I was pretty down as I hoped to put back at least 2 which would have increased my odds to 50%. But life goes on...

Egg Transfer was easy! No pain at all, just a very uncomfortable full bladder. Acupuncture before and after the transfer was also easy (not on the wallet though, it was 283 dollars!) I had the privilege of having a very experienced doctor to do my transfer. I was the last egg transfer that he will ever do, as he is retiring, and the very first egg transfer he did 29 years ago ended up with a positive result. I took that as good luck and my dreaded 2 week wait began.

I won't tell you that the wait was easy because it was the hardest part of the whole process. I caved and used a HPT but it gave me a negative result (even though I stared way pass the 10 minute deadline... I seriously thought staring at the evil stick will change the outcome, I guess I don't have super powers after all...!)

Then today at 13 days past my 3 day transfer... I went in for my big test... the beta!
I was expecting a BIG FAT NEGATIVE and I though was prepared for bad news but... not this!

In the words of the nurse, "It's not good news but, you're a little pregnant."


It turns out my beta is 11 at day 13. This is pretty low. It will most likely end in an early miscarriage or what they like to call a chemical pregnancy. I go back for a second beta test a week later to confirm. The nurse said they'd like to see a beta of below 5 to confirm a negative result.

Well, I'm back in beta hell for another week!!! I'm not sure what to think and I'm just a little shocked right now...

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