Saturday, 17 November 2012

4dp5dt - BFN

Yes, I was super positive this cycle and yes, it's still early... but sigh... these BFNs hurt... I was hoping my luck would last and that I would be one of those lucky girls that would test positive really early so I can start celebrating... but of course... it's me! Nothing that good ever happens to me. The cycle probably just looked really good so that my BFN can be just the more disappointing. That sounds more like something that would happen to me. I'm just allowing myself to be really negative for a moment...

Back to being positive... Well, I used a cheap dollar store (Pro care brand) test and maybe it's just not that sensitive! (it says sensitivity of 25 but can you really trust something for a dollar?) So I will start using my FRERs tomorrow. (Maybe tonight... lol)

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